
Solar Eclipse in Pisces

?SOLAR ECLIPSE? Tomorrow, there's a solar eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces conjunct Neptune.  That's some serious mystical energy! Eclipses are powerful times of endings and beginnings... remember that every ending is also a beginning and every beginning is also

Excitable Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon In Cancer Now I know this picture doesn’t include a FULL MOON! However it demonstrates the key elements at the fore of tomorrow’s lunation. In the distance is mountainous Capricorn, cold, hard, regulated

New Moon in Capricorn – Manifest Your Dreams

Perfectly placed new moon in Capricorn, two days before New Year's Eve = write your New Year's Resolutions now.  Get ahead of yourself, alla Capricorn. There will be a new moon in the UK at 6.53am

Elevating Mercury Retrograde

Hello again!  I have a tendency to be a little bit of a Sagittarius “pollyanna” in my posts and err on the side of optimism.  However, when I saw Mercury conjunct Pluto, I saw all

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