Not so much!

However in 2015 I wrote all the time… and I loved it.  Somehow I drifted off FOR THE WHOLE OF 2016.  Must be that pesky Saturn Neptune square dissolving away all structures!

I wrote a few bits, about astrology but I didn’t write as me, like this.  I loved this feeling.  This is why I started the blog in 2014.  To sit and write about astrology and my findings.  Here I am, BACK.  Wondering whether I should be @frankinsenseandmirth contemplating going back, but enjoying @francescaoddie.  For a start, people can spell my name, which is nice.  I do ADORE Frankincense though.  Cannot recommend burning it in your home enough!  It leaves a sense of calm the same way a blanket of snow in the garden provides a sense of calm.

My love of astrology is a LIGHT that shines brightly on these dark days.  It’s my passion and my dream.  Along the astrology journey I have read, and read and read… discovering so much other philosophy, science, metaphysics and spirituality.  My understanding of the esoteric has broadened.  (100% didn’t know what esoteric meant when I started this.)

So, this is broadening and I’m going to try and write more here instead of on Instagram.  I’ve a few posts from Insta to expand upon and post here, so I’ll be doing that over the next month or so.  Astrology exams to complete this month, wish me luck!


At yoga yesterday I was told, don’t make new year’s resolutions, make them with every breath.  I love that.  Every breath is a new start, a fresh chance to change your energy.  Change what you think, feel and how you will respond.  DAS is true.

Take a deep breath.

2017 has lots to teach us.

Frank X