Where Leo needs to be the boss, Virgo thrives as the #PA. #Organised, #helpful, #conciliatory, #detail driven, #obedient, #neat, #tidy and #kind; Virgo is a fantastic #worker. Virgos are so prone to #worry and #anxiety, they generally do not want to take the lead and are happy with the support of #security and #routine. Virgos are good #fun, #reliable and very concerned with #health. Virgo is very #materialistic; quality, over quantity but ideally #quality and quantity! They love a #bargain, but it has to be good quality. Altogether, Virgo is an interested, thoughtful, kindly friend who notices everything and is partial to a party and a glass of vino. I’ve not seen this written anywhere but 99% of Virgos that I know love a #drink to help them forget their worries and are prone to having one too many! #Funny, #observant, #critical, concerned, #thrifty, #leggy and reliable. They are generally a smiling, good looking bunch with a whirlpool of thought and #anxiety under the surface. Relax Virgo, it’s going to be OK!